A Possible Cause Of Breast Cancer

I am writing this because I feel a sense of responsibility to share what I have learned through my years, that could truly help someone struggling with cancer. And since I have a few friends dealing with breast cancer right now, I feel it is time to speak.

Years ago, David and I counseled people who came to an international cancer treatment center to be treated for cancer.  He worked with the men and I counseled with the women. They would come from all over the world, for at least a week at a time. We would counsel our patients for 2 full hours a day – during each of the 5 days they were being treated by the cancer team. It was intense.

The biggest thing we learned is that whenever someone is dealing with a life threatening illness, there is hope for recovery, as long as there is life and a desire to break through, no matter the cost.  Which means, the willingness to deal with whatever may have contributed to the illness in the first  place. When root causes are truly dealt with, it can literally reverse the disease.

I have come to believe that our personal unresolved relational issues effect our health more than any other contributing factor.  Science has discovered the correlation between specific organs in our bodies and the attitudes and injuries that effect their well-being.  For example, unresolved grief settles in the lungs, and has contributed to lung cancer.  Anger effects the kidneys the hardest. Unforgiveness and resentment break down health of all joints in the body and causes arthritic type problems, which unresolved can then go on to destroy everything else in the body, more than anything else does.

Trust me when I say – forgiveness is for your own self good and your own health as much as it is for anyone else. (Other blog post on that.)

But this is what I have learned about breast cancer. The breast are definitely tied to relationships and nurturing.  Science has proven that one side completely reflects relationships with family; your sisters, your mother, and mother types, like a grandmother. The other side has to do with your female relationships; friends, boss, etc.  Unfortunately, I do not remember which side is which.

But it is worth pondering and asking yourself if there are unresolved issues or relationship matters that you can deal with and settle in your heart. So that you may move on toward healing and wholeness.

I am not suggesting at all, that all breast cancer is relationship oriented, but there is a strong scientifically supported connection.  Of course, the root cause in any cancer, or terminal illness, may be nothing more than pure genetics.  Another could be an unhealthy diet.  Or even other random outside environmental contributors.

But it is worth always asking the questions, and seeking the answers, of what could be a contributing root factor.  And then dealing with that to the best of your ability.  Any area of life, where you can become more whole, in your quest for healing – will contribute to your overall healing.

We are complicated creations. Spirit, soul and body! And God promises us in James 1 that if we lack wisdom, we can ask and He will freely give it!  It is worth asking, “Father, what do You want to show me to make me whole; Spirit, soul and body??” I believe He wants us whole, not just “healed”. And they intrinsically effect one another.



  1. ot4peace said,

    December 10, 2014 at 4:40 pm

    There also seems to be issues around sadness (which could be related to your observations about relationships) and lack of self care (nourishing yourself instead of everyone else). Thank you for speaking out.

  2. coffeegirl63 said,

    January 23, 2015 at 7:04 pm

    Toni, your words always encoourage and speak life to me. I’m honored to be your friend!

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